PETA Seeks To Erect A Lobster Memorial in Maine

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), has approached the government of Maine in United States to set up a memorial tomb stone for lobsters. Apparently, a truckload of live lobsters were killed when a truck transporting them over turned in an accident on 22nd August. They propose to erect the lobster memorial at the crash site.
On 29th August PETA has sought permission from the Department of Transport to erect a 5 foot tomb memorial near the crash site. The proposed tomb stone was to read, “In memory of the lobsters who suffered and died at this spot. August 2018. Try vegan. PETA”.
PETA hopes to pay tribute to these lobsters while also creating awareness among people about the suffering of these lobsters and also other animals and urge them to abstain from eating them.
PETA has previously asked other states to erect billboards on crash site. However since Maine has very strict laws on outdoor advertising, a tomb stone has been suggested in this case. The state government has however, rejected the request citing safety concerns. High Speed limits and high volume of car and truck traffic in the location would imply, erecting such structures can be potentially hazardous to motorists. PETA is now trying to work out another safe location for the tombstone.
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