RISE – The Way Forward

RISE – The Way Forward

During the Seafood Expo North America 2019, the website Roadmap for Improving Seafood Ethics (RISE) was launched. This website is a collaborative effort of Sustainable seafood consultancy and non-profit organisation FishWise.

RISE has been mooted with the goal of protecting workers while building a responsible seafood supply chain. It has been set up in partnership with both seafood companies and prominent labour and human rights activists. It aims at providing guidance at every level to the seafood companies so that they can understand labour conditions and work towards improving and uplifting them.

FishWise has been woking on labour issues concerning the seafood industry for many years now. Companies have over the years come to understand that their work force is but the main resource for their own growth and progress. Fishwise along with other NGO’s have pooled together all the information they have in order to streamline the entire supply chain.Companies must safeguard the health and well bring of its workers. Understanding the which issue is important, its priority and how it can be handled is the first step they must take. RISE aims at providing them with tools, case studies and connections that they can use to build a responsible supply chain.

We do hope that seafood companies world over inspired by this venture, and themselves take similar steps towards a globally responsible seafood supply chain.


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